Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fear or Phobia of Fireworks: A Timely Topic

A few nights from now, the skies will be bursting with color, the air will be redolent with firework "reports"--those loud BANGS as the explosives, well, explode.  For many of us, it's an enjoyable, time-honored annual treat.  We look forward to the fun and festivity.  However, for some of us who have a fear or phobia of loud noises and specifically firework reports, it's a time to draw the curtains, stay inside, and turn up the TV or put on headphones to mask the sounds.

Human beings are actually born with two fears: the fear of falling, and the fear of loud noises.  However, most of us learn through association, that most loud noises do not represent actually danger, and our minds even learn to contextually associate the sound of fireworks with the fun and festivity of a holiday.  But some of us maintain that fear of loud noises.  It may be a true phobia, a feeling of fear that is unattached to an actual threatening experience.  Or it may be that at some point in your life, whether you consciously recall it or not, a loud noise did coincide with something painful or threatening, like a firework going off too close to you, or gunshot, etc. 

Regardless of the cause, and even if you don't know the cause, if you have fear of fireworks or fear of loud noises, you can be helped by hypnotherapy and NLP.  There are a number of techniques, from the famous NLP "Fast Phobia Cure," to hypnotherapeutic techniques designed to "un-wire" the association in your brain that says "loud noise = danger = fear."  We've worked with hundreds of clients with fears & phobias of all sorts, and because the mind's mechanism for holding the fear is the same, fears/phobias respond very predictably to the work we do, and everyone experiences relief.

If you're afraid of the Fourth of July, or have another fear of loud noises, please contact us at 763/218-3231, so you can enjoy the fireworks!

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